The company, established in 1981 by Antonio Mezzanato, is the result of a century of experience in the trade of live cattle from all over Europe. Antonio Mezzanato had the first approach. Born in 1868 and the current owner's grandfather specialized, before the First World War, in cattle trading on a national scale becoming one of the official suppliers of the Royal Italian Army of mules and hauling horses. Over the years his son Giovanni started working with him. Born in 1900, he successfully continued the commercial relationships established with the Italian government including the task of providing horses, mules and sheep to Greece as compensation of the damages caused by the Italian Reign during the Second World War. Between the 50s and the 60s, with the establishment of the Common European Market, a series of international relationships followed including the importation of oxen for slaughter from Ireland and of calves for breeding by the then Yugoslavia. In 1966 his grandson Antonio, born in 1946, officially debuted. He developed a dense network of business relationships in the competitive France. Towards the late 70s Antonio realized that the cattle trade was undergoing an involution and in 1980 he decided to invest in the building of a site for cattle fattening destined to the Italian market. The activity expands year by year to become nowadays a breeding site with about 2000 stable places.


Mezzanato Antonio
Via Po Vecchio 25, 45014 Porto Viro (Rovigo) ITALY | Tel. +39 0426 320498 | Fax +39 0426 365308 | info@mezzanato.it
P.Iva / VAT IT00834430290 | REA RO / Company Code: 112020
Cod. Aziendale Locale / Local Veterinary Code: 052 RO 005 | Codice TRACES / TRACES Code: 10836