The security and confidentiality of your data has always been of great interest to us. This page confirms that the data supplied during the phase of registration will be utilised in maintaining contact with you and to supply you with an excellent service. Pursuant to law 675/96 art. 10 "regarding the protection of persons in respect of the handling of their personal data", Mezzanato Antonio informs you that the gathering of your personal data is to provide us in the carrying out of economic activities connected to the company. The data is handled in a manner that observes the principles of propriety, legality and transparency and safeguards your confidentiality and your rights and may be communicated/diffused only in cases provided for by the law.


Mezzanato Antonio
Via Po Vecchio 25, 45014 Porto Viro (Rovigo) ITALY | Tel. +39 0426 320498 | Fax +39 0426 365308 |
P.Iva / VAT IT00834430290 | REA RO / Company Code: 112020
Cod. Aziendale Locale / Local Veterinary Code: 052 RO 005 | Codice TRACES / TRACES Code: 10836